Frequently Asked Questions

What is All You Need Method? 

We offer PR and brand strategy consulting for small business owners, digital creators, and creative entrepreneurs. We consult in a variety of ways, including through our online course, 1:1 Strategy Sessions, and custom projects.

Why did you create All You Need Method? 

The media landscape has completely transformed over the past decade due to the digitization of mainstream media outlets, social media platforms, as well as blogs and influencer marketing. After years of working at top PR agencies, in-house for leading brands, and running our own consulting businesses, we saw that the traditional “PR Agency” model is completely outdated and broken for small business owners.

Most small businesses are not ready to invest in an ongoing monthly retainer which typically start around $5,000 per month (or more), but they still need strategic guidance to help get the word out and build brand awareness. In the early stages of building a business, you no longer need a traditional PR agency to grow. There is a lot you can do on your own with the right guidance and tools.

We created All You Need Method to give small business owners and creative entrepreneurs an accessible and strategic way to learn how to tell your own story and build a lasting brand. We took all our learnings from a combined 20+ years in marketing, communications, and brand strategy and compiled them into our Method, which we teach in our online course for $99. 

What type of businesses do you work with? 

We have 20+ years of experience working with leading brands across lifestyle, home, fashion, tech, and design. We have also helped launch, grow, and build early stage businesses and have worked alongside creative entrepreneurs such as interior designers, lifestyle experts, health & wellness experts, and business leaders to build their brand. 

The small business owners and creative entrepreneurs we are most passionate about working with and who we created our online course for are usually teams of 1, or co-founders. Starting a business as a solopreneur can be very isolating and we want to be a resource to provide support and inspiration.

We’ve worked with artists and interior designers, home decor and fashion brands, lifestyle bloggers, health & wellness experts, jewelry designers, fitness instructors, stylists, clean beauty brands, food & beverage companies, store owners, children’s toy collections and new consumer products (just to name a few). 

How are you different from a PR agency or consultant? 

Rather than a client model, we teach you Our Method through our online course. Our course teaches you how to build your brand, tell your own story, and how to navigate the changing media landscape, which includes magazines, online publications, influencers, content creation, social media, and so much more.

When you are ready to work with an agency, you will have a better understanding of brand strategy, the media landscape, and how to use PR, content, and influencers to reach your goals. 

Finding the right strategic partner in a PR agency or consultant can be a complete game changer when your business is ready to scale and when you are able to allocate the budget to make a long-term investment. Boutique firms and independent consultants often start around $5,000 -$10,000 for a monthly retainer, and there is usually a 3-6 month minimum commitment. PR agencies are “full service,” meaning they operate as the liaison between your brand and the media and/or influences and they handle all media outreach and communications. 

We offer similar strategic guidance but we teach you all the insider knowledge so you can get started on your own. Technology has broken down the barriers and you can now reach out to the media and secure press coverage on your own, but you need to be prepared first. Through our online course we have created a way for small businesses and creative entrepreneurs to learn the fundamentals skills of building a brand and getting your business off the ground on your own, before you’re ready to invest in a consultant or agency.

I haven’t launched my business yet, is it too early to take your course?

This is the perfect time to take our course! We specialize in helping early stage businesses build a brand foundation. This will ensure that you are setting yourself up for long-term success and saving yourself both time and money in the long-run. 

I am an expert in my field and looking to build my personal brand, is your Method still relevant? 

Yes! Our Method is relevant for experts who are looking to build their personal brand as well as small businesses. If you are launching a consumer product, or if you are establishing yourself as an expert, artist, or designer, the fundamental building blocks are the same. 

How long does it take to learn your Method and complete the online course? 

Our online course was created for you to work through at your own pace. Depending on your learning style you can space it out over a series of weeks, or you can complete it in one day. The course consists of 7 lessons. Each lesson has a video that is between 2-5 minutes as well as corresponding worksheets. We also provide one-pagers with tips and templates that you can use time and time again. You have lifetime access to the course and can go back and revisit as much as you need. 

I’m so overwhelmed, I don’t know where to start. What do you suggest? 

Our online course which teaches our Method is the best starting point. From there we offer 1:1 Strategy Sessions to answer any specific questions.

What does building a brand foundation mean and why do I need it? 

Building a brand foundation, which we teach you how to build in our online course, is the most important step you can take as a small business owner as you are growing your business.

In the fast-paced, digital world we live in, you need to be able to stand out, tell your own story, and communicate directly with your customers. Building a brand foundation is the first step to doing this in a meaningful, effective way. Understanding and creating your brand foundation will allow you to build a brand you love and that others love, too. It helps you establish a unique identity and builds intangible equity.  A brand foundation includes: 

  • Knowing and understanding your target audience

  • Your overall positioning and messaging 

  • What problem you solving and how are you servicing your customers 

  • Competitive differentiation 

  • Company values and what you stand for 

  • Your “why” and your founding story

  • Your brand personality, tone of voice, aesthetic, etc. 

  • Materials and key documents for external outreach

For some tips to get started, read our blog post “3 Areas to Focus on to Build a Brand You Love”.

I’ve been in business for a few years and I think I already have a brand foundation. Do I need to do this work again? 

Building a brand people love is an evolution. Learning how to refine and refresh your brand to best service your target audience is an invaluable skill and one that we recommend revisiting time and time again. As you and your business grows, your brand should reflect that evolution.

If you aren’t sure if you have a brand foundation in place, download our Brand Foundation Checklist HERE.