5 Ways to Grow Your Business Online That Are NOT Instagram

Ugh, Instagram. These days it feels nearly impossible to see any significant growth on the platform, and engagement is way down. We loved this recent newsletter from marketing expert Kim Robinson about whether or not to even stay on the platform – it’s worth a read! 

Whether we like it or not, Instagram, and all social media platforms for that matter, are constantly changing. From adding new features, to shifting priorities to compete with other platforms, it can leave us small business owners & creators feeling helpless and stuck. The good news is there are other ways to grow that don’t require trying to “beat the algorithm.” While Instagram has become as vital as having a website, it doesn’t have to play the leading role in your online growth strategy. 

Below we’re sharing 5 ways you can grow your business online that do not include creating picture perfect content or filming reels for Instagram. 

1.) Conduct a Brand Audit

Creating a lasting brand and seeing momentum and growth starts with a strong brand foundation. Your brand can always evolve, however, starting with a foundation is the key to developing a brand that lasts. If you are unsure if you have a solid brand foundation in place, conducting a brand audit is a valuable exercise that evaluates your brand positioning and how to strengthen it.

Below are a few questions to reflect on to get started. If you’re not clear on these answers, our online course can help provide clarity and give you a step by step guide.

  • Do you have a clear visual of who your target audience is and do you understand their pain points and how you can service them? 

  • Do you know what you stand for as a business? 

  • Do you know why you are different from your competitors? 

  • Are you consistent in how you describe your business, both verbally as well as on your website and everywhere you show up online?

  • Do your website and social channels clearly state the most important things you want your business to be known for?

  • Are your images, logo, fonts, colors, and all visuals accurate representations of your brand vision?

2.) Start a Newsletter 

A monthly newsletter is a great way to connect directly with your target audience and to communicate company updates, product launches, and sales without having to worry about the algorithm.

In addition to selling, your newsletter should delight and inspire your audience or add value in some way. A newsletter can be a great platform for building trust and can speak to your customers in a more intimate way than social media.

Need some ideas for what to include outside of your product/service? Here are a few to get you started! This will of course vary depending on your industry and area of expertise.

  • A great article or podcast you came across that inspired you

  • Advice on a topic you are knowledgeable about (style advice, interior design hacks, health tips, industry resources and education, etc.) 

  • Your brand’s origin story and the “why” behind your business 

  • Other brands you love and want to share (great for holiday gift guides!)

  • An end of year reflection and thank you to your customers 

3.) Explore New Platforms 

Social media is a cost efficient way to reach new audiences. Yes it takes time to create content, but you are in complete control over what you share and when. Here are some platforms worth exploring: 

  • TikTok: There is a huge opportunity on TikTok to reach a wider audience. The key to success is consistency and being more candid rather than curated. Challenge yourself by creating a 30-day post series on a certain topic related to your business. *Pro tip: use the platform as a way to elevate yourself as the founder of your business rather than posting from your business name. 

  • LinkedIn: Connect with other business owners and your ideal clients through direct messages, and share your business successes and updates. You can create a company page and link directly to your website, and you can also join groups of other small business owners. 

  • Pinterest: Pinterest is a powerful SEO platform which is often overlooked. Use Pinterest to drive traffic to your website. You can do this by Pinning all photos from your website, website blog and Instagram. Be sure to use hashtags and keywords that are trending in your industry. 

4.) Go for PR & Influencer Opportunities

Landing your product or service in your favorite magazine or blog, or working with the right influencer, can put your business on the map and help you reach a much wider audience. You may not sell out of your products overnight from one press hit or influencer mention, but continued mentions over time have the power to give your business credibility, build trust, and lead to business growth and momentum.

Here are a few steps to get you started:

  • Make sure that your brand foundation is in place and that you are putting your best foot forward. 

  • Make a list of publications and influencers you would love to work with.

  • Research contact information for the appropriate editors, writers or influencers (who usually covers your industry or similar brands?) 

  • Organize your research into a Google Sheet or Excel Sheet.  

  • Reach out and introduce yourself with personal notes to each person and offer to gift them your product or service. 

  • Build relationships with these contacts and do not be transactional. Sometimes it takes months - or even years - to see results. 

*Pro tip: Consider online outlets and blogs where you could contribute an article related to your area of expertise. A contributed article might not mention your business but it will give you - and your business - credibility. For example, if you are a stylist, you could contribute an article to a fashion blog about creating a seasonal capsule wardrobe, or share your personal style tips that are uniquely inline with your brand. You can then share this article on your website and social channels to give yourself a credibility boost.

5.) Secure Organic Partnerships 

Organic partnerships can be between your business and an influencer or another brand, and are usually formed in a way that is mutually beneficial and where money is not exchanged. A partnership could be as simple as a newsletter giveaway or a social media post in exchange for a gifted item, or it could be more elaborate, such as a holiday product collaboration that is being promoted by both brands through multiple channels.

By partnering with another brand or expert who aligns with your business values and brand aesthetic, you have the opportunity to build brand awareness with their audience, give your small business credibility, and create a buzzy moment to talk about with your own audience or even with press. 

Here are 4 things to keep in mind with organic partnerships:

  • A partnership should be mutually beneficial. Even if you are a new business with a small following, you still have something to offer to your partner. That might be your product or service, the ability to design or create beautiful assets for the partnership, willingness to manage the partnership, or expertise on a specific topic.

  • Always consider more than the number of followers or subscribers a partner has. If the brand is not aligned with your values or aesthetic, it might not be the best fit even if they have a larger audience than you. On the flip side, a small brand who is aligned with your  brand values and aesthetic could be great to partner with even if they don’t have a huge reach.

  • If you are gifting your product or service to an influencer in exchange for their help spreading the word about your business, be up front about what you are hoping to receive in exchange. Do you want beautiful images you can reshare, or for them to post about you on social media? 

  • Lastly, an “influencer” does not necessarily mean a blogger or Instagram influencer. An influencer is anyone who is influential in their community. This could be another business owner or someone who is successful in their field. Read more about influencer marketing in our blog post here

We hope you feel inspired to take your business growth into your own hands! Remember, Instagram is just one platform so don’t get discouraged if it’s not giving you the results you are looking for. There are other ways you can move the needle, and it all starts with your brand foundation.


How to Conduct a Brand Audit in 3 Steps


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